Sunday, April 15, 2012

Technical Diving

Technical diving (or Tec diving) is a form of scuba diving that exceeds the scope (in terms of depth, bottom time and type of diving) of recreational diving and not for military application. Technical divers require advanced training, extensive experience, specialized equipment and breathing gases.

The following table gives an overview of the differences between technical and recreational diving.
Recreational Diving
Technical Diving
Deep diving
Maximum depth of 40 meters (130 ft)
Beyond 40 meters (130 ft)
Decompression diving
No decompression
Decompression diving
Mixed gas diving
Air and Nitrox
Trimix, Heliox, Heliair and Hydrox
Gas switching
Single gas used
May switch between gases to accelerate decompression and/or "travel mixes" to permit descent carrying hypoxic gas mixes
Wreck diving
Penetration limited to "light zone" or 30 meters (100 ft) depth/penetration
Deeper penetration
Cave diving
Penetration limited to "light zone" or 30 meters (100 ft) depth/penetration
Deeper penetration
Ice diving
Some agencies regard ice diving as recreational diving others as technical diving.
Some agencies regard use of semi-closed rebreathers as recreational diving; others as technical diving.
Solo diving
Recreational diving requires buddy system
Solo diving

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